Pair Price Ch. % Vol.

API Documentation

Public API Methods

Note that if you use more than two calls per second for a public API or multiple and unnecessary retrieval of redundant volumes of data, your IP address may be banned.

Code for use in public api:

curl -X GET '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  • /api/v1/markets

    Returns all active markets. Sample output:

    {"success":true, "result":[{"market":"btc_usd", "market_wallet":"Bitcoin", "base_wallet":"United States dollar", "market_title":"BTC", "base_title":"USD", "active":true}]}

    Call: curl -X GET '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

  • /api/v1/market

    Returns last 24-hour summary of all active markets. Sample output:

    {"success":true, "result":[{"market":"btc_usd", "volume":"6.81629536", "high":"12475.09000000", "low":"11225.82000000", "price":"11901.00000000", "average":"11850.45500000", "percent":"-4.60", "timestamp":1517020192, "active":true}, {"market":"eth_usd", "currency":"Ethereum", "base":"United States dollar", "volume":"20.50012296", "high":"163.10000000", "low":"103.01200000", "price":"141.41900000", "average":"163.00600000", "percent":"0.25", "timestamp":1517020192, "active":true}]}

    Call: curl -X GET '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

  • /api/v1/ticker

    Used to get current tick values for the market. Sample output:

    {"success":true,"result":{"volume":"0.00000000", "high":"0.00000000", "low":"0.00000000", "open":"0.00000000", "price":"0.40000000", "average":"0.00000000", "percent":"0.00", "timestamp":1522774844}}

    Required parameters: market

    Call: curl -X GET '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

  • /api/v1/orders

    Returns the order book for this market. Sample output:

    {"success":true, "result":{"buy":[{"amount":"0.00105677", "price":"14813.87600000"}],"sell":[{"amount":"0.02650000", "price":"14386.00000000"}]}}

    Required parameters: market, count (max: 200)

    Call: curl -X GET '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

  • /api/v1/history

    Gets the historical transactions of a particular market. Sample output:

    {"success":true, "result":[{"tradeid":6, "price":"14489.00000000", "amount":"0.01634253", "total":"236.78691717", "type":"buy", "timestamp":1515680304},{"id":2, "price":"14513.44400000", "amount":"0.00064696", "total":"9.38961773", "type":"buy", "timestamp":1515680222}]}

    Required parameters: market, count (max: 200)

    Call: curl -X GET '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

  • /api/v1/chart

    Gets candles in the format of historical trades of a particular market. Sample output:

    {"success":true,"result":[{"open":"1.00000000", "close":"1.00000000", "high":"1.00000000", "low":"1.00000000", "volume":"0.00000001", "timestamp":1542873600}]}

    Required parameters: market, period in min. (5, 15, 30, 60, 360, 720, 1440, 10080)

    Call: curl -X GET '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

Trading API Methods

Code for use in trading api:

curl -X POST '' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY' -H 'x-api-signature: SIGNATURE' -H 'x-api-tonce: TONCE'

SIGNATURE - hash_hmac('sha512', /api/v1/trading/balance . TONCE . {JSON_PARAMS}, YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY);
TONCE - is a timestamp in integer, stands for milliseconds elapsed since Unix epoch. Tonce must be within 30 seconds of server's current time. Each tonce can only be used once.

You can generate your keys on this page: API KEYS

  • /api/v1/trading/balances

    Get the balance of all your coins. Sample output:

    {"success":true,"result":[{"title":"USD", "description":"United States dollar", "balance":"0.00000000", "amount_sell":"0.00000000", "amount_buy":"0.00000000"},{"title":"CNY", "description":"Renminbi", "balance":"0.00000000", "amount_sell":"0.00000000", "amount_buy":"0.00000000"}]}

    Call: curl -X POST '/api/v1/trading/balances' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY' -H 'x-api-signature: SIGNATURE' -H 'x-api-tonce: TONCE'

  • /api/v1/trading/balance

    Get the balance of a specific currency. Sample output:

    {"success":true,"result":[{"title":"BTC", "description":"Bitcoin", "balance":"1.00000000", "amount_sell":"0.00000000", "amount_buy":"0.00000000"}]}

    Required parameters: currencies

    Call: curl -X POST '/api/v1/trading/balance' -d '{"currencies":"btc"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY' -H 'x-api-signature: SIGNATURE' -H 'x-api-tonce: TONCE'

  • /api/v1/trading/order/create

    Create orders and trade on the trade. Sample output:

    {"success":true,"result":"Order 4 placed"}

    Required parameters: market, type (sell, buy), price, amount

    Call: curl -X POST '/api/v1/trading/order/create' -d '{"market":"eth_btc", "type":"sell", "price":1, "amount":1}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY' -H 'x-api-signature: SIGNATURE' -H 'x-api-tonce: TONCE'

  • /api/v1/trading/order/cancel

    Cancel an order. Sample output:

    {"success":"Order canceled"}

    Required parameters: orderid

    Call: curl -X POST '/api/v1/trading/order/cancel' -d '{"orderid":1}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY' -H 'x-api-signature: SIGNATURE' -H 'x-api-tonce: TONCE'

  • /api/v1/trading/order

    Get order data. Sample output:

    {"success":true,"result":{"orderid":1,"market":"eth_btc", "type":"buy", "price":"0.00000002", "amount":"5.00000000", "total":"0.00000012", "filled":"0.00", "status":"cancel"}}

    Required parameters: orderid

    Call: curl -X POST '/api/v1/trading/order' -d '{"orderid":1}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY' -H 'x-api-signature: SIGNATURE' -H 'x-api-tonce: TONCE'

  • /api/v1/trading/orders

    Get the list your open orders. Sample output:

    {"success":true,"result":[{"orderid":7,"market":"eth_btc", "type":"sell", "price":"1.00000000", "amount":"1.00000000", "total":"1.00000000", "filled":"0.00", "status":"open"}]}

    Required parameters: market

    Call: curl -X POST '/api/v1/trading/orders' -d '{"market":"eth_btc"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY' -H 'x-api-signature: SIGNATURE' -H 'x-api-tonce: TONCE'

  • /api/v1/trading/orders/history

    Get the list historic orders. Sample output:

    {"success":true,"result":[{"orderid":7,"market":"eth_btc", "type":"sell", "price":"1.00000000", "amount":"1.00000000", "total":"1.00000000", "filled":"0.00", "status":"open"}]}

    Extra options: market, type (sell, buy), status (open, closed,cancel)

    Call: curl -X POST '/api/v1/trading/orders/history' -d '{"market":"eth_btc"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY' -H 'x-api-signature: SIGNATURE' -H 'x-api-tonce: TONCE'

  • /api/v1/trading/trades

    Get the list historic trades. Sample output:

    {"success":true,"result":[{"tradeid":40,"market":"btc_usd", "type":"sell", "price":"1.00000000", "amount":"0.00000000", "total":"0.00000001", "date":1542892425}}]}

    Extra options: market, type (sell, buy)

    Call: curl -X POST '/api/v1/trading/trades' -d '{"market":"eth_btc", "type":"sell"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'x-api-key: YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY' -H 'x-api-signature: SIGNATURE' -H 'x-api-tonce: TONCE'